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life insurance for children

A secure and flexible way of investing in the child’s future, getting them a head start for tomorrow.

A Participating whole life insurance for children, a secure and flexible way of investing in the child’s future, giving them a head start for tomorrow. This plan provides your child lifetime protection, and emphasis on long-term growth of values, which give them a head start for any financial need in life including education, down payment on a home or starting a business.

How Child Plan Will Grow For Their Education

  • Its “Participating” Whole Life plan also doubles as an education fund.
  • Guaranteed cash value grow tax-free from the day you open it.
  • Annual tax-free dividends for life.
  • It can be given to your child, tax-free, anytime after they turn 18.
  • Its includes permanent whole life insurance that grows in value throughout your child’s life for future generations.

Sample illustration* of Children plan Cash and Insurance Values:

Based on a monthly deposit of $250 per month You may be able to use the Canada child benefit to pay the premium

Age Accumulated Cash Value Insurance Value
21 $68,319 (Education) $607,899
35 $163,143 (House) $728,670
45 $285,445 (Security) $936,584
64 $763,488 (Retirement) $1,430,775

*Sample illustration is based on a $250 monthly premium for 20 years, starting when the child is less than 1 year old. Cash and life insurance values are based on the current dividend scale of 6.25% from an Equitable Life Insurance Company. This example is strictly for illustrative purposes only, the annual dividend scale is not guaranteed, and values may differ.

Features and Benefits of the Plan:


  • You can open a participating -whole life insurance plan for your child as early as 14 days after birth.
  • Plan is permanently funded after 20 years. No further deposits will ever be required.
  • It provides your child annual dividends
  • Cash values can be used by your child for any financial need in their lifetime including education, down payment on a home, starting a business, even to provide financial security for their future family
  • Plan can be opened by parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles or legal guardians.
  • Premiums are guaranteed.


  • Low initial cost – affordable
  • Premiums guaranteed
  • Renewable and Convertible feature
  • Customized to meet specific needs
  • Death benefit is paid tax free


  • Temporary coverage
  • Premium increases as life insured ages
  • Coverage not available past a certain age
  • Policy is worthless at end of term
  • No cash value
  • Have a question we didn’t answer?

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  • Rashmi, a client of Vertex Insurance and Investments Inc., was asked what made her realize it was time to buy life insurance? Listen to her story!


    A Single Mother of 3 grown-up children, a client of Vertex Insurance

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